Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is Hunting Ethical?

In my opinion hunting is ethical. Hunting has always been in mans life. For many it means good food and a great kill. If we were killing and throwing meat away then there would be a problem. Yeah people hunt for fun, but they also eat the kill. I haven't met anyone who hasn't eatin their kill. Its a form pride and accomplishment to share your tasty kill. If hunting wasn't allowed then some animals would be way over populated. Population control, that is another way of looking at the situation. This benefits us in many ways.

Response to Juliet Schor

Buying a big house, toys, and expensive things is the typical "American Dream". I believe that this has become a huge trend for most of America. It would be really hard or maybe even imposable to change that trend. This is how people show their success and wealth, its a status symbol that many people work hard to achieve. On the other hand I think its possible to start heading towards an earth friendly future. This is a realist change that is necessary to make the world a better place.

Entitlement Education

Throughout this essay they keep on saying that if you don't have a good high school education you wont do well in collage. I don't think this is always true. When I was in high school I would hardly go. I would only try to get passing grades, and do nothing more. My accumulative GPA was a low 2.1 which is barely passing. My first quarter of collage I buckled down and studied every night. Always did all my homework and turned it in on time. I ended up learning a lot and getting a 3.6 which isn't to bad. I don't regret my bad habits in high school because they didn't really hinder and they were easily broken.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beware of Drug Sales

I don't believe that the drug companies are advertising to much, they are just trying to make money like everyone else. It sucks that their selling prescription drugs to people who don't need it but that's the way life is. I think that only the weak and depressed get sucked into these ads. If someone needs the drug then that's reasonable, but why waste money on a drug if you don't need it. As for the doctors I don't think they should be prescribing drugs to people who really don't need them. Their should be some kind of law that prevents that from occurring. They are here to help us, not to decieve and lie to us. We should be able to trust our doctor, and not have to worry about weather or not they are selling us usesless products.

Floppy Disk Fallacies

I think that replacing books with computers would be a horrible idea. If a child had to learn solely from a computer I think they would get distracted from the assignment and surf the web. Ultimately making the child fall behind academically. Elizabeth said that they would loose their creativeness and imagination. I think that would be a terrible thing to loose, just so the school board can save a few bucks. I'm also not sure exactly why they would want to replace the books with computers. Yeah computers are like everything, they help teach, and help with research projects but that should be all. They should not replace books with computers.

Why a Great Books Education Is the Most Practical

I think their right when they say that its hard to predict weather a job will have a good future or not. Its tough deciding on what to go to school for, cause you don't wanna wast time and money on something that wont have a future. I'm going to school to be a Dentist because they make good money and they will always be needed. As far as the school goes, I wouldn't go to it because it sounds like a wast of time. Maybe if it was just a class I would go but to dedicate an entire school for their purpose, that doesn't sound really practical.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cartoons & Comics

I thought this article was kinda of interesting. The author showed how comic strips changed as the culture changed. The comic characters started as a "Street Thug" and went to funny realistic characters then went to super heroes, and eventually got involved with politics. I thought that was pretty cool how it evolved the way it did. Now when you see a comic strip it could be about anything you can possibly think of. I also think its interesting how it helped movie makers produce a climax and build a good story line. Even though I have never been a big comic fan I think the history of it is pretty cool!

Rise of the Image Culture

I agree with the author when she states that television has changed our culture. She only mentioned how it has effected us as consumers though, and not in any other way. I think TV has made much of America lazy and Violent. I know from personal experience that when I sit down in front of the TV I tend to get noting done. And when I watch Ultimate Fighting or something I just wanna go out and wrestle with someone. Right now I don't have cable and I get so much done as compared to having cable. I also agree when she mentioned the commercials get us to spend money. One commercial may not do anything, but I see a couple of things that catch my attention, it makes me want to shop.

Addition as a relationship

After reading this essay my thoughts about advitising has dramatically changed. I always thought they were just trying to sell or endorse a produt, I had no idea they were purposely promoting these addictive products which can ultimatly ruin lives. They are intentionally harming the public in more ways than one. Often resulting in the destruction of families and lives. I know these ads arent that persuasive, at least not to me; but there are some people who are eaily influenced, and these ads luer them in to their product. I think its a shame that the ad agency is targeting this group. I think there should be some kind of cap or limit to how far the ads go.